Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jerry built projects 豆腐渣工程

Damn the JERRY BUILT Project ! ! !

When the Earth Quake jolted SW of China, my compatriots are either moaning for the victimsor cheering up for the rescures and the so called effective government reactionsConcedingly, I'd like to give my most regard to the Primier Wen for his dedication and commitmment to his people and also would like to kiss the Army as well as the volunteers who contribute themselves without hesitation.

However, my friends,when our eyes are filled with tears, our hearts are twitching with aches for our motherlandwhen the traunma mother digged out her daughter's dead body by her own handswhen the survived father cannot drag his daughter out only witnessing her being gorged by the collapse of the buildingThe death toll now has reached 28881 with over 50000 varied-level injuries... ...

Can we stop being too emotional which would do nothing but only deter our probing into the crux of the real issue? So that the dead wont die for nothing.

This is what I mostly wanna say:Compared to the relatively in-good-condition urban area where buildings are less corrupted and almost in earth quake resistence codePeople in the remote areas seemd dying for regret!As far as I'm concerned, most of the dead are found in the schools most of which are builed by the Hope Project which is the reputed charity donating for schools in the remote areas of China! No offense to this hornorable charity, but the provincial government who is utilizing the money from the charity is utterly subjected to appropriate the money for Hope-Project school constructions.

The JERRY-BUILT Projects of Hope-Project-School have been undercovered by the media for many times--though every single time it had either kill several lives or cost huge expenditure of invetigation--without actually concentration and reactions to it from the public.

Although the notorious corruption of the use of this charity money has been acknowledged among Chinese intelligent group, it is the very debut of how gross its consequences would be revealed by the May 12 Earth Quake.

"Damn the Jerry-Built Project! We are well aware of the urban has much less injuries and hardly dead than the remote! How dare the immoral officals appropriate the money!" said my mum, who is a teacher and a mother. She has already been irritated by watching the numeruos dead body buried under the debris of the corrupted schools, and thousands of homeless students sitting to the camps without information about their families ...

My dear compatriots and my foreign fellows, I love my motherland with grives at her sufferings and the furious at her regime's imperfections and the helplessness at the mass unwaken mob or waken-in-disguise people.

God my lord, please bless my motherland as you are blessing the rest of the world, please bless the every improvement of her because you know this process is enduring and pains-taking!